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4 April 2017, tuesday

Miroslav Vichev: Digitalization is an area of innovation and technological development of the banks

“Digitalization is an area of innovation and technological development of the banks”, shared the CEO of the company in an interview to the Computerworld.

The digital transformation is a hot topic for several years. Most of the modern banks have taken initiatives for digital transformation. Some of the banking organizations indicate improving the user’s experience as the main motivation for the digital transformation. How would you comment the changes that occur in the banking sector and to what extent are the banks in Bulgaria ready for the digital transformation?

In the last three years one of the hottest topics in terms of innovation and technological development of the banks is digitization.

Digitization consists of three main components. On a first place is the modern electronic way of operation with clients. The second component is related to optimization and computerization of the internal processes at the bank, including paperless office and eliminating the slow, inefficient processes in the financial institutions. On a third place is the transformation from an IT perspective and the way professionals who are responsible for information technology in the banks interact.

The full interview can be read online or on the pages of Computerworld.

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