MIROSLAV VICHEV is a Chief Executive Officer of the payment and card operator BORICA. He has over 30 years of experience in the field of information technology for the banking sector. Before joining the company, he held a number of leadership positions - Head of “Applied Systems” at the Bulgarian Postbank, Director “Management Consulting and IT” at Deloitte & Touche, Head of “Consulting Department” at Microsoft Bulgaria, IT Director at HVB Bank Biochim, CEO of DSK Bank. He was also a member of the Supervisory Board of the “DSK Rodina” pension company, member of the Board of Directors of the “Cash Service Company AD” and a member of the Board of Directors of OTP Bank (Russia), Deputy CEO of "Information technologies and Operations" of OTP Bank (Hungary). In 2021 Mr. Vichev has been awarded as “Manager of the year” in the most prestigious business contest in the country. He is a former graduate of the Technical University of Sofia.
RADOSLAV DIMITROV is a Senior Director of the „Card Business" Directorate at BORICA. He started working in the company in 2002 as a system operator. In the period 2005 – 2009 he was an administrator of "Real time and financial servicing system", where he was responsible for the administration of the BORICA card system. In 2009 he headed the „Card Payments System Administration” department, and in 2016 he was the Head of the “Card Products and Services Development” department. Currently, he manages one of the key directorates in BORICA – "Cards and terminals". The efforts of his team are focused on the development and implementation of innovative payment solutions. He has a master's degree in "Telecommunication Management" from the New Bulgarian University, as well as a number of specializations in the field of card payments.
MARIAN CHOLAKOV is a Senior Director of „IT Development” Directorate at BORICA. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of card payments, payment systems and information technologies in the banking sphere. He has been working at BORICA since 1993, with main occupation - development and maintenance of ATM software. Since 2008, he had been Head of the “Real time and financial servicing system”, where he is responsible for IT and operations of the BORICA card system. After the merger of BORICA and Bankservice in 2010, he became Director of “Administration and operation of systems” Directorate, responsible for the operational servicing of the payment systems: BORICA, BISERA6 and BISERA7-EUR, as well as for the IT infrastructure of the card services, provided by the company. He graduated from the Technical University of Sofia.
IVAYLO DEKOV is a Senior Director of the „Infrastructure and Operations"” Directorate, with more than 20 years of experience in the field of information technology in the areas of system integration, project management, customer service and people management. He started his career in the banking sphere, where he implemented card payment systems at Bulbank and BNP-Dresdner Bank. Later he joined Hewlett-Packard in Bulgaria, where as Project Manager he introduced a number of significant IT projects, including a real-time payment system at the central banks of Macedonia, Serbia and Oman, as well as a system for budget payments to the Ugandan ministry of economy. Ivailo's management career goes through the positions of Manager of IT consulting department and Director of Global Solution Center at HP, Chief Customer Services Officer at Blizoo and Director IT Operations and Support at DSK Bank. He graduated from the Technical University of Sofia and the MBA program at Warwick Business School in England.
NELI YOLOVSKA is a Senior Director „Sales". She joined the Company in 2017. Since 1993 Neli has been part of the largest media group in Bulgaria in the field of Information Technologies - IDG Bulgaria (ICT Media), and for 10 years she has successfully managed the leading IT media in the country – the magazines CIO and PC World, Computerworld newspaper, www.idg.bg and others. In 2007, on initiative of ICT Media and with Neli’s active participation, the CIO Club was founded, as it operates until now. Her experience goes beyond Bulgaria’s borders, as part of the management team of a large software company. She graduated from the Technical University of Sofia as master of Information and Communication Technology, Programming.
VALERI IVANOV is a Senior Director of the "Compliance and Security" Directorate at BORICA. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of information security, card payments, payment systems and information technologies in the banking sphere. He started work at BORICA in 1995 as a defense expert. Since 2004, he has been Head of “Protection and Risk” department, where he was responsible for BORICA's information security. After the merger of BORICA and Bankservice in 2010, he became Director of the “Information Security” Directorate. In 2016, he became Director of the "Compliance and Security" Directorate and he is responsible for the information security, physical security, risk management, and compliance with external regulations. He graduated from the Technical University of Sofia, specialty: IT.
VERA STANKOVA is a Senior Director of the „Finance and Controlling” Directorate at BORICA AD.
She has 20-years’ experience in the accounting and finance, passing through all levels of the hierarchy in companies with different spheres such as the construction, pharmaceutics, trade, telecommunications, and IT. Until 2008 she is the Head of the Financial department of the 2be retail chain. She joined BORICA as an expert in planning, analysis, and control. After the merger of BORICA and Bankservice, she held the position Head of the "Financial Management" department. Currently she is responsible for the whole financial-accounting policy of the Company, management accounting, planning, financial modeling, analysis, and control. She holds a master's degree in "Economics and Industrial Management" from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia.
ANNA ANGELOVA is a Director of the „Payment Institution” Directorate at BORICA AD. She has more than 18 years of experience in card payments and retail services in the banking sector.
Before joining the team of BORICA, she held a number of leadership positions such as Deputy Director and Card Payments Director at Fibank, Retail Banking Director, UniBank, Macedonia, Member of the Board of Directors of the CaSys Operator, Macedonia, Executive director and member of the Board of Directors of Diners Club Bulgaria AD.
In BORICA AD Anna Angelova is responsible for the development of the company's activity as a payment institution. She graduated from the University of National and World Economy, specialty – Finance and credit.
DANIEL ALEKSIEV is a Director of „Fintech and Customer Experience" at BORICA AD. He joined the Company in 2020. In the past 10 years Daniel has held key positions related to the development of digital products and services for the banking sector. He has participated and managed numerous programs focused on innovations and digital transformation. In BORICA he manages the strategic for the company fintech project InfoPay, which is in response to the European payment directive PSD2.
VANIA GANEVA is a Director of Payment Services at BORICA. She started working in the company in 2019 as a project manager "Immediate payments in BGN". Prior to that, she had over 30 years of experience in the field of card, payment, and certification services, holding management positions in various financial institutions in Bulgaria. Mrs. Ganeva is a founding member of the Association "Bulgarian Association for Security of Card Payments", a member of the first Executive Committee of Visa Europe member banks in Bulgaria, a member of the consumer committee of BORICA. From 2013 to 2017, Mrs. Ganeva was successively a member of the Board of Directors, and subsequently the Executive Director of SEP Bulgaria AD. Vanya Ganeva holds a master’s degree in Finance from the University of National and World Economy.
MARTIN ORESHARSKI is a Trust Services Director at BORICA. He started his professional development in the Company in 2007 as an expert in the Sales Directorate. Over the years he has held a number of expert positions, and in 2016 he took over the management of the company's sales offices in western Bulgaria as a "Regional Manager". Its activity over the years is closely related to both trade relations and the development of electronic and certification services offered by the Company. In 2020 he held the position of Business Development Manager, focusing entirely on the development of Trust Services. He is currently responsible for one of the company's strategic projects related to the implementation of innovative solutions for remote signing and remote identification. He holds a bachelor's degree in Informatics and a master's degree in Business Administration.
STOILKA ARSOVA is a Director of „National Card and Payment Scheme". Effective from January 1st 2018 the unit reports directly to the Board of Directors of BORICA AD. Mrs. Arsova has 20 years of experience in the banking sector in the sphere of electronic and card payments. Her career began at Roseximbank in 2001, then in got management positions at the Card Center of DZI Bank and Postbank. In 2014 she joined the team of BORICA AD, where she headed the newly formed "National Card Scheme". The directorate aims at developing rules and new business models to support the implementation on the Bulgarian market of new services and transactions of national importance, by introducing an entirely Bulgarian card for payments with the Bcard logo and payment instruments for instant payments by account in account with the Blink logo. Since the beginning of 2017, Ms. Arsova represents the Scheme on the Board of the European Card Payments Association (ECPA), and since April 2020 - on the Board of the European Cooperative Card Payments (ECPC).