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3 July 2017, monday

Anna Angelova: Bulgaria is at one of the last places in Europe in terms of using bank cards

Anna Angelova: Bulgaria is at one of the last places in Europe in terms of using bank cards
Anna Angelova: Bulgaria is at one of the last places in Europe in terms of using bank cards

This is what shared Anna Angelova, Head of "Card Fraud Protection" in BORICA, in front of the BULGARIA ON AIR television.

She was a guest in the TV show “Directly” in the studio of Bulgaria on Air TV. The occasion was the anniversary of one of the most used devices today – the ATM. Few days ago, the machine turned 50 years from its creation. The first automated teller machine started operation in 1967, and its inventor was the Scottish scientist John Shepherd-Barron. Today there are over 3 million ATMs in the world and around 5700 are in our country.

In the studio Anna Angelova and her interlocutor – the economist Ivo Mirchev, shared statistics about the use of bank cards, our place compared to other countries in Europe, as well as ways to prevent card fraud.

You can watch the whole interview online on the TV website.


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